Friday, 26 January 2007

Catch Up

OK so its now towards the end of January and apparently there are Easter Eggs in the shops - I know this because on Boxing Day David started ranting and raging that he had seen them on the shelves in Tesco - but I want to tell you about my first Xmas with the Boys. Actually I don't really want to tell you much at all I just want to show you how cute I look in my party frock, so cute in fact the boys used my picture on their seasons greetings card.....

Thursday, 25 January 2007

Back again

This is my first posting here for ages, it's not because I have not wanted to but because we had no broadband connection - it is a long story but basically the boys decided to change service providers.


It all went wrong, Sky would not talk to BT, Philip was on the phone for hours every day and there was no broadband for over 6 weeks. Any way its up and running now and so I am back.I did try to log on with some old fashioned method called 'Dial - up' but whenever I tried it there was a dreadful noise, I think there was a small chicken inside the computer being tortured or something, anyway I did not like it so I didn't bother.

So much has happened. I did get that lovely Parka coat for Xmas, it nice and warm and every one looks and says how cute I look whenever I go out in it.

Must go now I can see the car pulling up outside and Philip will expect me to jump up and down and lick him and be all excited when he comes in.