Friday, 6 April 2007


It is Easter and we all know what that means......BONNETS!!!! Here at Chez Lily the boys and me have been hard at work creating a selection of lovley Easter bonnets, funnily enough people all over the place have been doing the same thing and some of them look like me....
and this is Barbra Streisand

Audrey Hepburn

Some old medieval woman

the fabulous Mrs. Shilling

Well there you are, a good old fashioned Easter Parade, all we need now is Fred Astaire and a big bar of chocolate! Happy Easter, I am off to find a small furry animal to chase round the garden.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cutey, I love to watch you in the garden next door, I spend my days wishing I was a dog not a cat.
All my love
Oscar xxx